If you’re looking to give your living room a makeover and want to create a high-end feel and look, consider an upgrade to leather furniture to add a touch of class to your room’s interior design. There are many benefits to leather, including its durability, fade-resistant nature, and overall longevity to name a few.

Leather furniture is more durable and fade-resistant than cloth and its natural oils help to prevent peeling and cracking, even around seam lines. This means that while there may be a higher cost upfront, because of the significant difference in longevity (some estimate an average of 5 years for fabric versus 15-20 years for leather before the need to reupholster), it actually costs less per year in the long run than pieces made with other materials. Also, fabric furniture tends to become stiffer and less comfortable over time, whereas leather becomes softer and more pliable.

While cleaning fabric furniture often involves toxic chemicals for home treatment and/or expensive and time-consuming professional services, cleaning leather furniture usually is a matter of dusting, using the occasional damp cloth, and periodically wiping pieces down with some leather conditioner.

If you’re willing to look around a bit and wait for the right timing, you can find great deals and potentially save thousands of dollars on a great leather piece or collection.

When contemplating how to execute your room design with your new leather furniture, it’s good to take the opportunity to think through how you’ll be utilizing your living room space the majority of the time as knowing this ahead of time can help a lot in making wise decisions when it comes to furniture purchases.

  • If your living room will mostly be used for visiting with family and friends, a strategic arrangement of pieces like loveseats, ottomans, and oversized chairs may suit your needs nicely.
  • If you plan for it to be more of a space that can double as sleeping quarters for overnight guests, you may want to keep an eye out for a piece like this sleeper sofa which converts into a bed large enough for two. 
  • If your aim is to use the living room largely for watching movies or playing video games, having a setup with something like this super sectional that can accommodate multiple people may work well for you.

While it certainly is a significant purchase, upgrading to leather for your living room is an investment that will certainly be worth it in the long run.

If you’re interested in creating your dream living room or family room, we invite you to visit our Roc City Furniture locations in Greece and Brighton. Our team of experts will help answer any questions you have and help you select the pieces that will fit your style and budget. You can also send us an email through our secure contact form.